Thursday, December 23, 2010


I've got it!

Special thanks to my friend Katie, I've finally gotten the book that I've been yearning for. It was a birthday present and now I finally have no excuses in delaying this blog and starting my cooking.

I've been wanting this book for a while since I've been wanting to learn the backbone to the recipes of my family kitchen. I want to familiarize myself with the Vietnamese names for each ingredient as well as the English translations and I want to be able to create nom-licious food that says "I've got history, culture AND I taste good". (Yes, my food speaks to me as should yours).

 I'll be gone for the next two weeks but when I come back I'm going to hopefully cook up a storm. Be prepared for all the trials and tribulations I go through in order to master the Vietnamese ingredients and Vietnamese palate. I'll be pulling a Julie & Julia moment (cliche, yes, but I don't think you understand how excited I am to make every recipe in that book, I can expand my knowledge and my palate) so hopefully that'll give my blog some substance.

I'm excited!

1 comment:

  1. You know we could just cook Viet food while you're here and then post it on your blog :D
